Wednesday, 13 March 2019

What's on the Workdesk?

So hopefully the start of a weekly feature. In the wake of real life impacting far more than normal, gaming gets put to the side.

Currently waiting on some spray paint to get on with the big Baroque/Restoration Project. In the mean-time you always need those small projects that fill a hole quickly and easily with a sensible goal.

Anyway, having been tempted since Xmas by the new set of rules from Osprey, Outremer, looking at small warband actions along the Pilgrim Road to the Holy Land, I finally decided to take the plunge. With groups of 5-15 miniatures a side, can have a warband/retinue painted up in evenings in about a week, with achievable goals.

So first off Norman/Franks/Bretons or if you want maybe some Anglo-Welsh thrown in there for good measure.Those of you in the know will understand. Colours taken from a previous reenactment group. Pont-Steffan!!!

Late 11th-early 13th century is quite a good period to wargame, in terms of gear there's quite a lot interchangeability, with technological changes only really discernable for sergeants/Knightly/Lord classes. So some priests, and maybe cavalry next. And Knights with Greathelms/surcoats :)

But before that about 2-3s through making up a starter warband of Seljuk Turks to face them. More anon.

1 comment:

  1. As the game’s author I always love seeing what other people are doing with my game. Your warband looks great! Can’t wait to see more! Currently in the middle of a campaign with my mates at the moment and it’s great fun when the warbands and fighters start to develop their own quirks!
