Currently waiting on some spray paint to get on with the big Baroque/Restoration Project. In the mean-time you always need those small projects that fill a hole quickly and easily with a sensible goal.
Anyway, having been tempted since Xmas by the new set of rules from Osprey, Outremer, looking at small warband actions along the Pilgrim Road to the Holy Land, I finally decided to take the plunge. With groups of 5-15 miniatures a side, can have a warband/retinue painted up in evenings in about a week, with achievable goals.
So first off Norman/Franks/Bretons or if you want maybe some Anglo-Welsh thrown in there for good measure.Those of you in the know will understand. Colours taken from a previous reenactment group. Pont-Steffan!!!
Late 11th-early 13th century is quite a good period to wargame, in terms of gear there's quite a lot interchangeability, with technological changes only really discernable for sergeants/Knightly/Lord classes. So some priests, and maybe cavalry next. And Knights with Greathelms/surcoats :)
But before that about 2-3s through making up a starter warband of Seljuk Turks to face them. More anon.