Friday, 25 March 2016

The Bunker

Spoilt for choice this week, with two posts in two days. Obviously everyone wants their battlefields to have big armies and big terrain features and defences to complement them. Looking at continual battles over heavily enclosed French fields is all good, but minds do wonder to Stalingrad, Berlin,               D-Day, Merville Battery, factories, ruins and more besides. Therefore I felt a bunker was the natural starting point for this month's terrain project. Built using the following tutorial Link, it was scratch built using copious amounts of foamboard, air drying clay, hot glue and filler and does the job just marvellously. I think price just came in at £2 as much of the stuff was lying around the house and the foamboard was given away by Dad's work from architectural drawing plans. Many a game of Bolt Action will be played over it and I now hope in the coming weeks to complement it with a steady supply of minefields, tank traps, craters, obstacles and marshes.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job Warwick! Same approach as me, use what you have lying around!
