Sunday, 7 February 2016

Objectives for 2016

So a bit late I know, but thought it would be a useful endeavour to cover what I actually plan to do wargaming wise and timetable projects for this year. Since the New Year a couple more projects have come to the fore, so this is expanding on existing projects.

1. Lion Rampant Army for Earl of Mar-Using Perry Miniatures Plastic HYW miniatures, this will be a lowland Scots late medieval force for the Claymore Rampant wargames day event being held by Claymore Castings. Predicted end of project 22nd March

2. ECW-With the spate of English Civil War rules being released including The Kingdom is Ours, Bicorne Miniatures, Baroque Impetus, The Pikeman's Lament, En Garde and the Pike and Shotte Supplement, a working army for the period is essential. Other projects keep on getting in the way, so a finishing preliminary date pushed back from originally is May 1st. 

3.May Zulu-Forming forces for the The Men Who Would be Kings rules for the Zulu Civil Wars, this has been on the painting books for some time, hopefully being expanded into the Zulu wars/Boer Wars at a later date. 7th October

4. 17th century-Scots government Army for the Pentland/Covenanter Risings/Killing Times. Expected time for finishing, new year.

5. After this occasional work throughout the year will also be put into building a series of earthworks and other terrain features such as 4' walls, a gate and breech, minefields, Rommel's asparagus, vinyards, pontoon bridge, tank traps, marsh, Bulwarks 3’, Damaged sconce, Minehead, Industrial Complex, Winter trees, Winter bushes, ravelin and batteries.

In between, there is a thought towards building a small Border Reiver force. But I think this timetabling is a good way of keeping track of where projects are going.

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