In the mean time, I have noticed recently, those of you who are connected via Facebook, that I have not photographed any of my painting/modelling endeavours for the past two years and as such, a major update on projects and finished materials is in order. Therefore, here I shall present a relevant Gallimaufry of the best of that collection for your delectation and delight. Apologies for varying quality of photographs. Getting used to not using an SLR means varying zoom/quality of image, something hope to rectify soon.
First off a Jagdpanther for the Battle of the Bulge. From Pegasus Hobbies, 1/72. Haven't actually made up any forces to go with this yet, although likely to use Neil Thomas Wargames: An Introduction as a starter.
An Airfix 1/72 Tiger, again likely to be used for Operation Barbarossa, using the same system as above.
A change of scale here with 28mm Crusader Miniatures Officers/NCOs section of Fallschirmjager for use for Bolt Action. Not sure whether going to make up a German paratrooper section for Italy/possibly advance into Germany, but I really like Warlord Games recent set which is on the shopping list, so who knows.
Lastly a 15mm platoon of German Stug III's. These were originally bought with the original Flames of War original box set. Since playing them, although it is a fun set of rules, I don't feel it mirrors Battlegroup scale WW2 action well. On the other hand it is very popular, so may build up a Plastic Soldier Company force around it. Eye is being drawn by Battlegroup Panzergrenadier though.
Next post Military Modelling 54mm and beyond. Also need to start posting up some reviews to the books I read and also a Wargames New Years resolutions list.
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