Monday, 23 April 2018

Panther, panther, burning bright?

Mostly military modelling, rather than wargaming today. WW2 isn't generally a theatre I would usually go to for this, it's drab colours have a tendency not to jump out at you. However, having perused Tamiya figures for a while (they are beautiful) and the majority of model stores reverting to this conflict, rather than Napoleonic, it seems a natural stepping stone.

 This was an impulse buy at our local HobbyCraft. Seeing the size of the hull in the box made me ask the question could I do justice to that. I hope to some extent I have. It has certainly allowed me to pursue new modelling techniques e.g applying camp net from gauze dressing, applying zimmerit with a soldering iron, buying an airbrush for future projects. And for a lot first produced in the 1970s, it's not half bad, minimal rebuilding was needed to fit the underside of the hull and track arches.

It depicts 116 Panzer Division with an added section of Pander Grenadiers, on one of the limited Panthers in Normandy. So not a bad 10 months work. Although I am now considering whether it needs a case or diorama base. Any thoughts on display?

Monday, 16 April 2018

We haven't the proper facilities for your surrender...sorry!

Painting continues apace. Before too long need to get back to Covenanter/Scots Army Late C17th project.

However in the meantime, have been painting up plenty of WW2 for Bolt Action.

Firstly a star attraction I've wanted to add to my British paras for years. Based off of the amalgamated character of Major Carlyle from A Bridge Too Far (or the real life Digby Tatham-Warter), I've painted up the model of him from Artisan Designs. A lovely little model with tons of character. He carries an umbrella due to his tendency to forget passwords and prove he was a n English Gentleman. That said, still think a mad order from Stoessi's Heroes is in order before long.

As well as that, adding some much needed firepower to my German Heer, an 81mm mortar.

More soon☺