So reports of my death have been exaggerated. A combination of work commitments, moving house and generally real life getting in the way, have meant that hobby pursuits have been on the backburner.
Obviously, with free time being at a premium, priorities need to be made. Currently looking for wargames clubs/modelling clubs that meet during the day over weekends. Currently leaning towards GDWS to fill this niche. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be very interested to hear. Can't say I'll be a regular, but can make up in enthusiasm☺
Having treated myself to a tablet over New Years, I feel the gap in filling out progress in modelling and wargaming commitments can be more easily fulfilled on the go.
In terms of wargaming projects, as a large amount of it still remains boxed up 6 months after the move, reliance has indeed turned to Peter Dennis and Helion & Co. Paper Soldiers series. Hopefully some posts in coming weeks about rapidly finishing Norman Conquest project. I'm particularly looking forward to their Scots Wars of Independence book due in February (I provided a bit of Inadvertent Advice on this)
Hopefully will be posting up here on a weekly basis. Miniatures bug still not sated though, so for your delectation, a WIP 1/35 Tamiya Panther Tank Crew 116 Panzer Division. Enjoy