Two posts in two days...must be on a roll.
So going along with the general Star Wars hype back in December (deserved the previous two years, a bit of a let down last year), and wanting a project tat I could try varying military modelling techniques, I splashed out on the Revell model of Slave 1. Who wouldn't want Boba Fett's Ship?
En-route to collect the bounty on Han Solo
I'm relatively pleased with the model. Easy to put together, detail is crisp, the model easy to put together and paint. Was going for an image of the engines being lit, but a previous blackwash bled into this. Something to watch out for. Also frosting on the canopy means from now on using Tamiya Thin Cement from preventing this from happening next time. A solid little model, I've now got eyes on their model of the snowspeeder. Watch this space.
Elrond Halfelven, Ereinion Gilgalad, Elendil the Fair "Elf-Friend" and Isildur
Wargames painting continues anew, with the leaders of The Last Alliance making it to the Table. Sculpted by Brian Nelson, they were an absolute joy to make, the detail absolutely stunning. Finished off with gloss varnish, picking out the shine of the armour, these are still some of the best minis I've painted in a while.
Detail on Gilgalad's cloak.
Finally, to fill in a hole in my 28mm WW2 German collection, I've painted up a downed Luftwaffe fighter pilot. More for Scenario play than general wargaming, the ability to basically play capture the flag with pilots is quite common. Now need to find a reciprocal RAF fighter ace. Lovely model to paint, again the leather jacket and goggles have been picked out in gloss, to show their shine.
Finally WIPs. Currently finishing off a 28mm German Heer 81mm mortar and needing to take the final steps with my Tamiya 1/35 Panther Ausf.A with Panzer-Grenadier crew. Just need to make up some scrim to cover a slight fault. Still trying to decide how to display- diorama base, plain display base, or no base. Any thoughts?